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Mad Tea Party 2009

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Pamela Sweet

Thank you for a beautiful celebration here at Roo's Treehouse! So inspiring!

Everyone's invited to stop by and celebrate at my place before moving on to the next. Happy International Peace Day everyone!

Godeliva from Ariadone

Hello Rhonda, I will light you a candle for you speak with love and tranquility about our world, that we wish would bath in PEACE...Where it starts, is in your own heart and with the Light that you make shine through you....and put me in the Light of Peace.
Thank you.


Your words and your photographs have inspired a feeling of peace within me. Now to let it shine out towards the world.


I believe that the world can know peace. Thank you, Rhonda, for making us aware of this day and for reminding us to be generators of peace.

Cori. G

Such lovely peaceful words and thoughts. Peace to you today and always, Rooty toot Rhonda Roo!!!!!

I haven't put my post up yet...I forgot this was the weekend I had out of town relatives. I'm hoping to get it up soon.

xoxox Cori


Happy Peace Day!

Love your photos!

~ Gabriela ~


What a lovely post, I needed this today!

Happy Peace Day!


Dear Rhonda,
Just Tried to leave you a comment. It didn't go through.
Here it is again. Fingers crossed!
Happy World Peace Day Rhonda Roo!
Thank you for this beautiful post!
All the quotes and photos that bring a peaceful happy feeling.

Peace starts within each individual as a conscious decision. We are gifted back, as peace becomes an effortless habit. When we can smile at all people (especially those most unlike ourselves) our heart can be filled with peace.

Smiles from afar! &
THANK YOU for your party today!
Talking about PEACE, makes me feel peaceful~



Such beautiful images and words of peace here.

I hope this wave goes around the world carrying peace in its wake.




Beautiful words and pictures. Party On!

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