Hi Twinklestars! Hope your weekend is going splendidly!
I am excited and a little nervous, because today you see, I'd like to invite you to my very own party! Well, it's not solely mine, really. It's yours too!
September 21st is the International Day of Peace -the UN dreamed up PEACE day as a way for people to express their versions of peace on a synchronized date, all across the globe (Yay! I better put out lots of hors d oeuvres!) Peacebuilding isn't "peacemaking" or "peacekeeping". Peace Day marks personal and planetary progress toward peace. It is celebrated by millions of people in all parts of the world, through song, through dance, through large scale events.
But anyone, anywhere can celebrate Peace Day! It can be as simple as
lighting a candle at noon, sitting in silent meditation, or through personal acts of kindness. Acts of Kindness! See? You all are already peacebuilders!! I think, with all of the talent and creativity there is in the bloggyverse, we could make this a lovely day!
Think of the impact- millions of people in all parts of the world, coming together for one day of peace, its immense!
So let's do it! Won't you join me? On September 21st, let's post our little doves, and whatever else means peace to us-a peace symbol out of rose petals or the rose itself, a poem, a song, a person, a quote, a story, or a word, a picture, a moment in time, whatever it is that you see in your mind's eye when you think of peace! It doesn't have to be lavish--or, you can go extravaganza style! Whatever you can spare, so that, for just one day, there are so many people thinking peaceful thoughts a cloud bursts and starts showering us with shimmery love drops!
Feel free to take the button, and please please leave a comment, or drop me an email at [email protected], and I will add you to the Twinklestars 4 Peace list-so we can visit each other on the 21st ok? And please, tell your friends and spread the word! The more chaos, the more peace!!!
YAY! Thank you twinklestars, you are loved!
XOXOXOX Rhonda Roo
"Where there is peace, there is culture; where there is culture, there is peace."
(Nicholas Roerich)
Oh Rooski, you know I'm in ;-) What a great party to have!
Jamie :)
Posted by: AForestFrolic | September 13, 2009 at 10:22 AM
ahhh, peace building, peace spreading...wonderful idea. I shall be here with bells on!
Posted by: Stephanie | September 13, 2009 at 01:55 PM
Hi Rooty toot Rhonda Roo!!!
I was here earlier, but couldn't stay. We were off to church where we often pray.
Peace is such a wonderful thing and something to strive for every day. Who knows, maybe one day the dream will be reality :-).
Oh, Milo is a very safe driver so I wouldn't worry about putting him on your policy. But I think he's really looking forward to long walks in your woods...something we are not blessed to have.
xoxo I love U Rhonda Roo!!!!
Posted by: Cori. G | September 13, 2009 at 03:18 PM
Oooooooo, I'm there!
I am glad Miss Marie arrived unscathed and that you liked my creative packaging! Gotta do something with those rolls so I make them pretty :)
Thanks for popping by for a visit girlie.
Love to you,
Posted by: LuLu Kellogg | September 13, 2009 at 06:22 PM
I love your leafy peacey sign! :)
Posted by: Maggi | September 14, 2009 at 07:13 AM
Will be with you Rhonda Roo!
I love peace!
Posted by: rochambeau | September 14, 2009 at 09:24 AM
OH YES!!!! All we are saying... is give peace a chance..........
Yes yes! xoxox I am in! Love XIVIVIXIXIX
Posted by: a fanciful twist | September 14, 2009 at 05:11 PM
An award awaits you on my blog...Goodness, I really thought that I left a comment on this post. Hmmmm. Anywho, I'm in too...after all, I am an original hippie!!
**kisskiss** Deb
Posted by: Deborah | September 14, 2009 at 08:19 PM
I followed you from Kate's blog.
I want to join as well and will be posting these buttons!
~ Gabriela ~
Posted by: Gabriela | September 14, 2009 at 08:20 PM
What a sweetie you are visiting My Royal Cessessness already. Isn't she just amazing?!?!?!
Posted by: Deborah | September 14, 2009 at 09:47 PM