(What, doesn't everyone have a new years bush waiting to be turned into valentines branches?)
hi twinklepeeps!how are you?
I was watching the State of The Union (aka #SOTU for us tweeties) and offer this compelling wrap-up: President Barack Obama can make speeches, is adorable, has a gorgeous wife, and wore a tie that looked a wee bit like it was his Christmas candy cane lookalike tie. Oh, and we're about to get this party started. Troops will come home. Bankers will pay. We'll be healthy, green, and debt free. We've never been better. Life will be good.
Also, purple/lavender/eggplant is so in this year it is not even funny. Run, don't walk, to get yourself some purple in your wardrobe STAT. Apparently the big #1 on the Cabinet meeting agenda this morning was Pelosi and Biden color coordinating the subtle shades of grape. (Michelle went with Eggplant-i think it's from the White House Garden/Anti Obesity Collection).
Saucy's idea, rather deep I thought, was perhaps all the purple was the melding of red & blue together, like a symbolic bipartisan crayolanic gesture.
And so, feeling all jiggy with the state of the universe, I was compelled to tell y'all a little Roo bedtime story. About my adventures in DC a few years ago. Long enough ago to laugh about it now....
Once upon a time, Roo was sent to Washington DC, by People Who Didn't Know Any Better, to advocate for federal support for domestic violence screening in health facilities, because it most certainly is a public health issue, and Roo knew a little something something about implementing screenings in every county health department in Florida, oh yes she did.
So she went to DC on a big ol airplane, and upon landing, was quite mesmerized by the hustle and bustle of that busy place. Also, it was mighty cold, and statues and old buildings and monuments and memorials outnumbered Starbucks coffee shops and CVS pharmacies by a formidable margin, so she knew there must be Super Important Things Going Down In This Town.
But I digress.
Anyhoo, Roo and some cohorts traveled to the the Place where "I'm just a Bill/Sittin here on Capitol Hill" was made (shout out to Schoolhouse Rock!) and talked up the President of the American Medical Association and various and sundry congresspersons and their aides, and then met with then not yet Vice President Joe Biden, who clasped my hand and God Blessed Me for my work, and then invited me to a press conference he was having in a few minutes~
which of course we decided we had to attend. But it wasn't in the Capitol (aka land of a thousand checkpoints), it was in one of those other important buildings, and Roo & Crew had to figure out how to get there, but didn't ask Mr B before he got on the super cool and swank elevator for Bigwigs Only. So, we wandered back out onto the street, and this friend, we'll call her Binnie cuz that's her name, Binnie says, Hey there's some sort of secret underground subway thingy that the Bigwigs use to go from building to building! if we could find it we could get there super fast!
So Roo, who was wearing her Ann Taylor red power suit, strode purposefully up to two guys standing on the corner and says, excuse me, gentleman, but are you familiar with the area?
To which one snickers madly, and the other looks me straight in the eyes, and says why yes, i am a little.
So i (er, I mean Roo) starts trying to bluff my (her) way into VIP RockStar status and bottom line was, he was onto Roo, and politely suggested she and her obviously up to no good cronies tittering in the background take the subway that Joe Public used (where have i heard that phrase since?)
So i thanked him and went back to my Crew only to get sucker punched on the shoulder by lets call her Binnie who says do you know what you just did?
...and i being rather impressed with myself, all savvy and cool in my suit says um, asked for directions?
To which Binnie says, Noooo, you asked NEWT GINGRICH if he was familiar with the area!
Whereupon, Roo the Mortified turned to look at the Former Speaker of the House Leroy Newton "Newt" Gingrich...who winked at me.
But that wasn't my only DC debacle, oh no, not by a long shot. Stay tuned for part 2 in which Roo makes a heel of herself at a press conference.Good night, and God Bless America.
P to the S:
xoxox my twinklestars!thanks 4 all of the love and emails!