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Gravity; it's not just a good's the LAW! I, too, have hope. You know exactly where I am, trying to not let grief take over life. Reminding myself every day that life means all that it ever meant.

Sending you lovelovelove,


Hello Lovely Roo.
Well now, you have me crying……….HAPPY tears. You met M. Wolf!! Please know and tell him how terrific he sounds and how glad I am to hear the twinkle stars alined for you both and not only did you get married, but now have 4 fabulous fur ~b's. How lucky you are!

Pete and I frequent New Orleans. Do you and the Wolf get there much? My parents lived there for awhile, did you know? Which reminds me. My beautiful mom died in oct of 2012. She came to me in a dream 3 times recently.

Sending love and happiness and glad to have had the chance to read your great news!! It brings me the greatest joy to know!!


Teresa in California

Tree houses are so fun to glad you are back in your 100 acre wood.

I adore wolves, by the way. They are one of the most amazing creatures...the furry kind of course! So nice you have a man wolf too!

Life does fly by at the speed of light at times.

My goal this new year is to Focus...not to get distracted from the moment or from what I am that can happen when other people are around...I loose my focus on what I am doing...and i just need to let them get on with what they are doing and not forget the is in the details, as small things are just as important as the big ones.

Have a glorious new beginning for the new year!


Teresa in California



That was my howl for you and love and good things, and happiness, and 4 furs! Hoooray!

So happy you are well and out there in the galaxy dearest Roooostah!!



I'm doing a happy dance -- so happy for your and your Wolf ... he is a lucky man.


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