Heidy Ho Twinklystars! I am buzzing through bloglandia and enjoying everyone's excitement about fall, and halloween, and a certain gypsy witch's party (who fell off her broom and is healing herself from command central twinkleville!) {Get well soon, beloved hopalong Veevala!}
So I thought I better catch the last wispy tendrils and kiss summer goodbye, with a send off bloggy salute.......
Goodbye sweet wisteria, the only other thing that gets me going more than red & yellow leaves!
Goodbye, pretty pop-up flowers!
Goodbye, beautiful fluffy green leafies, making shade for me and homes for birds and squirrels!
and then there's azaleas. Should I tell you of azaleas? (OK, I will .....)
I grew up in Miami, a fabulous architectural jungle with the occassional palm tree or wild patch of tropical yard (which I sometimes miss) but the flora and fauna there were definitely different than here in North Florida, or Central Florida, which is southern country charm kinda plant life~
So, anyway, when I was a kid, we bought property in Central Florida, and would often take trips up to get the lay of the land, and make plans for the eventual move to a slower paced life. Ocala is horse country, with tons of rolling green hills and pastures, and cows, too, and split rail fences that stretch for miles....
....and, azaleas. Back then, I didn't know the names of any flowers, especially not the pretty flowery bushes along the fences...and anyway, they did not hold my attention as much as the magnificent sight of a ton of black-and-white cows, grazing serenely in the verdant green pasture. "Look at all of the azaleas!" Mommy Goddess exclaimed.
"I am!" said Lil Roo, who had never seen so many cows in her whole life. Obviously, the azalea breed of cow was the best breed ever. Need I tell you how this ends, dearest Twinklestar, years later when, grownup Roo tries impressing peeps with her bovine expertise? {goofy girl sigh}
So, there you have it. :-) I wasn't very country, once. But I've always loved summertime. Summertime, thank you for the picnics, and the lazy summer days, watching the bees buzz by.....I bid you adieu, and azaleas, too, until next year!